

Radiohead challenges the record industry model

Radiohead’s new album is out today !


And believe it or not, you can pay whatever you want to get it.. “It’s up to you” says, the album’s website, actually the only place where you can download the digital 10 track LP.

When their contract with the records label EMI expired, the band didn’t want to renew it, and decided to produce and distribute their seventh album themself, a choice that would be considered as risky, but Radiohead members don’t seem to care much..

They are well aware that the classic music industry model is Dying Read more →

UVA – New Warp video

UnitedVisualArtists strike again !

This time, the UVA brought their lightning installation skills to a disused Welsh quarry, for the new Warp video (latest Battles single: Tonto), and installed many bright white vertical LED bars in a slate bassin..

Standing up at equal distances, perfectly lined up and leveled, the LEDs becomes a unique light structure at night , controlled via DMX by UVA’s own software. Read more →

Nova 3D display in Zurich


When you arrive in Zurich by train, the very first thing you discover from the city is a massive light installation hanging up the ceiling of the train station.


It looks like a big 3D matrix made out of ping-pong ball, where each ball is like a pixel, and can be controlled independently, so it can be used like a 3D screen, and display abstract minimal animations, low-res videos or 3D scenes, which makes it the world-wide first three-dimensional, bivalent color display. Read more →