
Tagged ‘Nicolas Boritch‘

Onion Skin, Brazil

With new exhibitions of Onion Skin coming up soon it felt like a good opportunity to share a few photos of recent presentations.

After presenting the installation twice in Mexico last year (Oaxaca, Mexico city), we had the chance to go back to the American continent later in the year, this time invited by 2 Brazilian organizations.

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Magic Geography

The series of site specific visual and sonic installations created by several artists of the ANTIVJ visual label on the invitation of PROYECTA Oaxaca, international festival of  design & digital arts, as part of the Ethnobotanical garden of Oaxaca, Mexico, explores the mediation between the natural and the artificial. Light follows the organic behavior of plants and creates depths of the perceptual field in order to vivify a lively dialogue between computer-generated elements and the natural world.

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New AntiVJ studio

AntiVJ just moved to a new studio in Central Bristol !

We now work in a really nice open space at Pervasive Media studio, with a large desk do to origamis, models and mess around with techy gadgets, a meeting space, to plan projects and discuss ideas, and a wonderful chillout area, to read magazines, relax and play Wii..
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