Feb 28
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In 3Destruct, Antivj, Art, Installations, Mapping, Onion Skin, site specific
Tags3Destruct Antivj festival installation Laurent Delforge Nicolas Boritch Oaxaca Olivier Ratsi Onion Skin Proyecta Romain Tardy The Ark Thomas Vaquié Visual Mapping Yannick Jacquet
Magic Geography
The series of site specific visual and sonic installations created by several artists of the ANTIVJ visual label on the invitation of PROYECTA Oaxaca, international festival of design & digital arts, as part of the Ethnobotanical garden of Oaxaca, Mexico, explores the mediation between the natural and the artificial. Light follows the organic behavior of plants and creates depths of the perceptual field in order to vivify a lively dialogue between computer-generated elements and the natural world.