

Olivier Ratsi hits the New York Times

Olivier Ratsi, who joined the label this year, has a long background in photography and graphic design, and his still creations have been featured in many french magazines and publications, such as Rexorama, Sonomag, and the covers of MCD guide or Etapes.

He just been commissioned by the New York Times to produce one creation for their “T” Logo series. The result is a full page in the paper version of the NYT style magazine, with 2 millions copies edited worldwide. Read more →

Olivier Ratsi

I meant to introduce you properly to Olivier for a while, but our busy planning has delayed my plans for far too long..

If you are interested in live visuals, you probably heard about Olivier’s work before, as the man is one of the most demanded VJs in Europe, and he performed in many festivals (Festival Optronica, Mapping, Nemo, Exit, Centre George Pompidou, etc) under his VJ name EMovie.  I presented his work a couple of times on this blog, in the Paysages electroniques 07 report, or after Nordik impact, at the time we were tracing the first lines of the Label project. Read more →


Some of you might have discovered 3Destruct already, as the project was featured in the recent AntiVJ video. It’s an audio visual installation created by a trio of three artists based in Brussels (under the name crea composite):

Legoman (Yannick Jacquet)
Graphic designer, VJ, motion designer
Also, Legoman just joined the Core of AntiVJ. Read more →

AntiVJ Lab: Live painting and mapping

Since the launch of the label, everything is going even faster than before, and we have loads of new projects, ideas and bookings coming up..

I’ve been exploring new fields recently:

- Dome projection, in Bristol planetarium, with the mexican producer Murcof, and the 360° projection format is very immersive, even more than I expected, so I think I’ll carry on with this technique.

- Stereoscopic projection, with polarised filters and silverscreen (same technology as Imax3D), to make visuals appears in 3 Dimensions to the audience. This is also a fascinating technique, and we are investing a lot in this way, and we’ll do more dates soon for the stereoscopic tour, with french band “Principles of Geometry“.
- More experiments, with lights, DMX and perception. Read more →

AntiVJ is a visual label

Hi there !

I’ve been away from this blog for a while, busy with new projects, editing videos, preparing the new year, and I didn’t have a chance to stop until now..

Great news, I’m proud to announce that we’re about to launch AntiVJ, a new visual label, which is a platform to produce projects based on the visual element. This project is a collaboration with some artists I really like. We became friends and realized we are sharing the same ideas and vision of our work, so we decided the collaborate more put a name on it. Read more →


Mash a Kandinsky with a Duchamp, crumple one of Zaha Hadid’s smaller architectural experiments with H.R. Geiger’s eerie organic forms, cram the whole thing into a high-definition television, and you might end up with something like the art of Scott Pagano. Grind down the gritty, industrial detritus of Rotterdam — one of the world’s largest port cities — and process it in a digital audio factory and you may, if you’re lucky, get something that sounds like the mechanized mayhem of Jochem Paap, a.k.a. “Speedy J.” Blend it all together in a high-fidelity digital soup and you get, well, you get something entirely new. Read more →