

Elytre – On pointillism and the passage of time

Elytre, Yannick Jacquet
Alexander III bridge, Paris

It has taken the Franco-Swiss artist Yannick Jacquet three years to create Élytre, a forty-metre-long generative work on display at the foot of the the Alexander III bridge in Paris. The piece was commissioned as a permanent design feature for Le Flow, a floating building moored along the new pedestrian area on the banks of the Seine.

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Remote Memories – exploring tensions in slowness

Remote Memories is a new project by Yannick Jacquet, in collaboration with composer Laurent Delforge (Before Tigers). Remote Memories is a polyptych in panoramic format, a large canvas of video and sound. This highly pictorial work resists immediate apprehension; rather it needs to be observed a moment, contemplated in order to grasp its minor details. Textures are superimposed and interlaced, creating atmospheres that vibrate with neither line nor contour – a sort of “sfumato video.” The image that seems fixed at first is criss-crossed by almost imperceptible waves, like a brownian movement that shakes a gas’s particles. Glimmers, colours, shapes unknown or anxious seem to emerge and disappear as if glimpsed through thick fog.

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O (Omicron)

O (Omicron)
A permanent installation directed by Romain Tardy & Thomas Vaquié
Hala Stulecia, Wroclaw, Poland.

Last year, we were approached to create our first permanent installation for the new museum of architecture of Hala Stulecia, in Wroclaw, Poland. The piece – that we called O (Omicron), is actually the last part of the visit, and a way to create a link between the rich history of the building and the present times, by turning this massive concrete structure into a lively architecture. Read more →

Mecaniques Discursives at MAPPING FESTIVAL 2012


Being at the mapping festival was also an opportunity
for me to see “Mécaniques Discursives”, the new installation by Yannick Jacquet and Fred Penelle.
It’s a project they developed together Read more →