Blog update

Blog update

Almost 6 years since I started this blog.
It was back in March 2006, pretty much when I moved to the UK and started doing visuals (at the time in a very “classic VJing” manner), and this was  a kind of diary where I would describe my first VJ sets and relate VJing news in the Bristolian club scene.
We then started the Cuisine nights, a monthly audiovisual event we put on with Nicolas Boritch and a few friends, and I was curator for the visual lineups, working on the epic photo shoots for the flyers (below) and organizing the VJ School, a monthly workshop with guest visual artists, such as Sigma6, SanchPikilipitaStudioVJ, Legoman. Good times..

The surgeon: Nicolas Boritch, now producer at AntiVJ, the bathrobe guy: Jérome Monnot, made many of our video reports, Lady pouring milk: Yolanda, singer for Massive attack, and myself as a red faced Santa.

At that time I was experimenting with wiimote hacking, projection mapping (my first tests were on the neighbour’s house), I was also travelling a lot to VJing events around Europe such as the mapping festival (Geneva), and discovered inspiring art installations. I remember being blown away after seeing 3Destruct for the first time in 2007, and the discovery of this project triggered the idea of starting a label, dedicated to visual art.

2008 AntiVJ
In early 2008, with Yannick Jacquet, Olivier Ratsi and Romain Tardy, we decided to work more together, and then officially started AntiVJ, a structure to develop, produce and promote visual arts, and a focus on the use of light in 3D space (as opposed to a projection on a flat screen).

Then Nicolas Boritch joined us as a producer, to “try and make things happen”, Thomas Vaquié started composing music more regularly for architectural mapping pieces and became a key artist for these projects, and others. Creative coder Simon Geilfus is the latest visual artist to join the label (Murcof project). His work on realtime tools is also changing the way we approach new pieces.

So long story short, this blog, which started as a personal diary about VJing projects, doesn’t really make sense in its current format anymore, and this is now the time to open it up to the other members of the label, and to turn it into a shared space.

So from now on, the articles will be signed by their author, and we’re all looking forward to use this space to share ideas, event reports, upcoming projects, and generally to reflect a bit more the activity of the artists on the label.

You can expect posts from AntiVJ members:
- Simon Geilfus
- Yannick Jacquet
- Joanie Lemercier (myself)
- Olivier Ratsi
- Romain Tardy

- Nicolas Boritch (producer)
- Thomas Vaquié (music producer)

We’re also hoping to freshen things up in the new year (communication, website, reports) so watch this space.




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  • Tracey Aston on Jan 11, 2012

    Hey Joanie,
    I saw your presentation as part of the London One Dot Zero series the end of last year. I really love your work, its been really inspiring. I am looking to buy a projector to start experimenting can you offer any advice on lumens and contrast ratio, would really appreciate some advice.
    Keep up the good work,


  • Aplogan on Dec 12, 2011

    Je découvre.
    Les images sont superbes


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