
Tagged ‘crustea‘

Live Painting – Shackleton

After loads of travels and events abroad, I had a chance to get some rest for a couple of weeks, and stay a bit around Bristol..  I also realized that I haven’t played ‘at home’ for a while, so I was really pleased when I’ve been asked to do some visuals for a Dubstep night at the Croft, which is the place where I did my very first VJ set when I moved to UK, back in 2004.

The organisers were more after a “stage design” rather than a simple screen setup, so it was the perfect occasion to get further in the “live painting” experiments that I did in June.
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AntiVJ is a visual label

Hi there !

I’ve been away from this blog for a while, busy with new projects, editing videos, preparing the new year, and I didn’t have a chance to stop until now..

Great news, I’m proud to announce that we’re about to launch AntiVJ, a new visual label, which is a platform to produce projects based on the visual element. This project is a collaboration with some artists I really like. We became friends and realized we are sharing the same ideas and vision of our work, so we decided the collaborate more put a name on it. Read more →

Cuisine 11 – photo report

Here are some pictures from our great resident photographer Alex Turner at Cuisine 11 in November, which gives a pretty good idea about how it was ! Read more →

Cuisine #1 – video report

Petit report vidéo de la première soirée Cuisine, en Mai dernier. La soirée est née d’un projet commun entre les soirées cremefraiche et les soirées chien!, l’idée étant de réunir une prog electro pointue, mettre les visuels / Vjs au premier plan et des avoir des installations audio-visuelles interactives. Read more →

1er Post

Hello.. Un tout premier Post timide, n’étant pas un grand fan de Blogs, je ne m’y étais jamais vraiment intéressé, et je passe déjà tellement de temps devant un écran que je voulais éviter de me prendre au jeu d’un nouveau truc à la mode. C’est en me balladant sur le blog du collagiste que j’ai vraiment compris l’intérêt de la chose. Read more →